Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Daftar Efek Asap Las

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Radiasi las efek negatif asap,cahaya las dan uap panas las
Ini adalah salah satu efek negatif dari las.. Kulit terasa terbakar karena uap panas dari las..biasanya jika kita tidak memakai pelindung tubuh.. Bagian yg terkaena biasanya tangan,mata,muka,leher...

Published: 08-08-2017
Duration: 2:1
Definition: hd
View: 1453
Like: 3
Dislike: 1
Favorite: 0
Comment: 6

Published: 08-11-2016
Duration: 0:42
Definition: hd
View: 6137
Like: 4
Dislike: 7
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1
Akibat asap lasan
Goyang aja dah.

Published: 10-03-2017
Duration: 0:2
Definition: hd
View: 576
Like: 0
Dislike: 2
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Tukang las,, efek DJ
Welder DJ gokil...!!!

Published: 11-10-2017
Duration: 1:19
Definition: hd
View: 8
Like: 0
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Ketembak las co
Kamal katembak ku LAS CO.

Published: 11-03-2017
Duration: 0:39
Definition: hd
View: 362
Like: 0
Dislike: 1
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1
Eksperiment Asap dari Dry Ice
Dengan menggunakan dry ice kita dapat membuat effect asap yang sangat banyak dengan mudah. dry ice dijual bebas di tempat pendinginan ikan di tempat saya harganya 20ribu per kg.

Published: 27-07-2014
Duration: 4:34
Definition: hd
View: 42951
Like: 114
Dislike: 37
Favorite: 0
Comment: 19
Inilah Proses Pembuatan Kawat Las Listrik
kawat las listrik, disebut juga sebagai elektroda kawat, terbuat dari kawat besi yang dibalut dengan bahan materi pembakar seperti campuran dari nikel, manganese, serbuk besi, mineral dan bahan...

Published: 06-12-2017
Duration: 4:8
Definition: sd
View: 309
Like: 1
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
What Is The Most Dangerous Drug In The World? ft. In A Nutshell (Kurzgesagt)
From drug overdose to the war on drugs, what's most deadly? Check out In A Nutshell (Kurzgesagt) "Universal Basic Income Explained - Free Money For Everybody?"

Published: 17-11-2017
Duration: 4:18
Definition: hd
View: 1727187
Like: 61542
Dislike: 871
Favorite: 0
Comment: 4784
How To Learn Faster
Get smart with Brilliant: Subscribe: The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips: Created by: Mitchell Moffit and...

Published: 28-09-2017
Duration: 4:7
Definition: hd
View: 2129673
Like: 77179
Dislike: 838
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2173
Is LSD Really That Dangerous?
LSD is a psychedelic drug that was popularized in the 1960's. What are the effects, and is it really dangerous? Join us on Tuesday for our Pluto Livestream!: Read...

Published: 12-07-2015
Duration: 4:46
Definition: hd
View: 2369168
Like: 24505
Dislike: 1173
Favorite: 0
Comment: 6175
Desintegración PicsArt - Tutorial Español
Gracias por ver espero que te halla sido de mucha utilidad el video/ Puedes agradecer si te gusto// Dándole Al Botón Me gusta! // No olvides Suscribirte Espero haberle sacado una sonrisa...

Published: 10-01-2016
Duration: 3:46
Definition: hd
View: 1010795
Like: 9797
Dislike: 987
Favorite: 0
Comment: 454
What Does Your PEE Say About You?
What colour should your pee even be? Subscribe for more SCIENCE! Watch our vlog: GET THE BOOK: http://asa...

Published: 08-06-2015
Duration: 2:59
Definition: hd
View: 3971066
Like: 47565
Dislike: 965
Favorite: 0
Comment: 6524
Cara Membuat Teks 3D, Teks Bercahaya, dan Background Asap - Tutorial Sony Vegas Pro #2
Oke gaes... kli ini gue ngajarin ilmu yg gue tw ke klian lagi... yaaahhh semoga bermanfaat bgi tmen2 smua... dont forget to subscribe yh :) CHECK CHANNEL INI UNTUK UPDATE VIDEO BARU !!! https://ww...

Published: 15-07-2016
Duration: 9:8
Definition: hd
View: 33353
Like: 168
Dislike: 14
Favorite: 0
Comment: 13
Is Makeup Bad For You?
Should you be using makeup? Science Makeup PARODY: Subscribe for more: Written by Amanda Edward, Gregory Brown, Rachel Salt and Mitchell...

Published: 20-05-2016
Duration: 3:3
Definition: hd
View: 2507707
Like: 40126
Dislike: 1069
Favorite: 0
Comment: 4628
Are You Sitting Too Much?
Is sitting too much killing you? The Solution To Sitting: Get Your Free Audiobook: ---Links to follow us below--- Get the AsapSCIENCE book!...

Published: 18-12-2014
Duration: 3:2
Definition: hd
View: 3179259
Like: 33828
Dislike: 1216
Favorite: 0
Comment: 4449
LSD in 3 Minutes
Everything you need to know about LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) in 3 minutes. GET A TEST KIT: FACEBOOK: PATREON:...

Published: 30-06-2015
Duration: 3:39
Definition: hd
View: 3102897
Like: 24993
Dislike: 799
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1601
GTM Crew - Sabu
By: GTM Crew Lagu yg diciptakan oleh teman-teman saya, menceritakan tentang tinggkah laku anak jaman sekarang yg gilak sabu Note: Lagu ini bukan untuk mengajarkan kalian nyabu, malah sebaliknya,...

Published: 29-04-2014
Duration: 10:46
Definition: sd
View: 965281
Like: 1172
Dislike: 402
Favorite: 0
Comment: 244
What If You Only Drank Soda?
The effect that pop has on your body! SUBSCRIBE! Epic Science Playlist: Written...

Published: 28-01-2016
Duration: 3:11
Definition: hd
View: 5035141
Like: 67477
Dislike: 1527
Favorite: 0
Comment: 8867
Bahaya asap rokok
Banyak orang tidak mengetahui bahwa asap rokok lebih berbahaya dari asap kendaraan bermotor.

Published: 07-06-2014
Duration: 1:1
Definition: sd
View: 80
Like: 1
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Do Periods Actually Make Women Moody? Ft. iiSuperwomanii
Menstruation is amazing and we explain why! SUBSCRIBE! Check out iiSuperwomanii: ---Links to follow us below!--- Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmepl...

Published: 25-09-2014
Duration: 5:34
Definition: hd
View: 7768054
Like: 161125
Dislike: 4888
Favorite: 0
Comment: 18654

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Daftar Efek Asap Las Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Tutorial Kreasi Benang Wol


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